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When the worst happens and you need to make a claim, OneSure Insurance is here to guide you through the process and ensure a speedy and favorable outcome. At OneSure, we pride ourselves on the way we support our business & personal clients when they need to make a claim. We understand that even the smallest claims can be a worry and a hassle. That is why we are here to help. Our well-trained and helpful staff use tried and tested claims-handling procedures to guide you through the process, providing the advice and support you need to get the best resolution you can. It is important to notify us of your claim at the very earliest opportunity, as any delay could affect the acceptance of your claim or lead to greater loss or damage. The sooner you tell us about your claim, the sooner we can help. To lodge or notify of a claim: 07 3340 6770 or Make a claim

Claim Lodgment Process

When things go wrong, just follow the simple steps outlined below. We will always endeavor to resolve your claim as expeditiously as possible.
  1. Notify your us of any incident which may lead to an insurance claim as soon as possible – prompt notification can contribute towards achieving a speedy settlement with the insurer.
  2. You will next be required to complete, and submit a claim form.
    • Your broker will send or direct you to the specific form relating to your claim.
    • Completing and returning this form with as much detail as possible will help to progress your claim.
    • It can be helpful to provide photos, an inventory of any items damaged, and proof of ownership of these items.
    • Try to return this form to us as soon as possible to ensure your claim is processed quickly.
    • Substantial losses or complicated claims may require the services of an assessor, which we will arrange on your behalf.
  3. We will inform you the next steps which may include:
    • Completing a claim form or additional documentation.
    • Providing the additional information as soon as possible will assist to ensure your claim is progressed quickly.
    • Substantial losses or complicated claims may require the services of an assessor.
  4. We will liaise with insurers on your behalf regarding the next steps, ensuring we keep you well informed along the way.